Mirage de Parc: Capturing the Beauty of Architecture

A Photography Project by Jongmin Park

Yeongjongdo Island's Transformation Inspires a Stunning Mirage

The Mirage de Parc project, created by renowned designer Jongmin Park, takes us on a visual journey through the architectural wonders of Yeongjongdo Island in South Korea. This photography project captures the island's transformation from a desolate wasteland to a vibrant hub of modernity and innovation.

Inspired by the natural phenomenon of light, Mirage de Parc showcases the beauty of architecture and the interplay between structures and the surrounding environment. The project features a series of photographs that highlight different spots on the island, each with its own unique meaning and significance.

One of the standout features of Mirage de Parc is the "Mirage Line," which gracefully leads visitors to the Paradise City station of the monorail. This line serves as a metaphor for the island's development, symbolizing the journey from barrenness to prosperity.

Through his work, Jongmin Park invites viewers to experience the wonder of Yeongjongdo Island. The photographs capture the essence of the island's new identity, showcasing its architectural marvels and inviting viewers to explore their own interpretations of the mirage-like designs.

The realization of Mirage de Parc involved the use of TS lenses, which allowed Park to capture movement and create a sense of dynamism in his photographs. The project took nine months to complete and was situated under the monorail station in front of the Paradise City Hotel on Yeongjongdo Island.

Extensive research was conducted to ensure the project's success. Park traveled approximately 100 kilometers, documenting the island's various elements and capturing the perfect lighting conditions during different seasons. The colors of dawn and dusk, as well as the sunset, were particularly instrumental in conveying the mirage-like sculptures.

One of the main challenges faced by Park during the project was the element of waiting. He spent time observing, contemplating, and carefully timing his shots to achieve the desired outcome. This patience and attention to detail resulted in the captivating and thought-provoking photographs that make up Mirage de Parc.

Mirage de Parc has garnered recognition and acclaim, receiving the Iron A' Design Award in the Photography and Photo Manipulation Design category in 2021. This prestigious award recognizes the project's innovative and practical approach to photography, as well as its contribution to the field of design.

Through Mirage de Parc, Jongmin Park has not only captured the architectural beauty of Yeongjongdo Island but has also invited viewers to contemplate their own "mirages" and interpretations. This photography project serves as a testament to the island's transformation and the power of design to inspire and evoke emotions.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jongmin Park
Image Credits: #1 : Jongmin Park, MIRAGE de PARC, 2020. #2 : Jongmin Park, MIRAGE de PARC, 2020. #3 : Jongmin Park, MIRAGE de PARC, 2020. #4 : Jongmin Park, MIRAGE de PARC, 2020. #5 : Jongmin Park, MIRAGE de PARC, 2020.
Project Team Members: Individual project: Jongmin Park
Project Name: Mirage de Parc
Project Client: Jongmin Park

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Mirage de Parc IMG #5

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